Self Defence Course for Musicians' Union, Plus Q&A

A couple of weeks ago I trained members of the London branch of the Musicians’ Union. They had received requests in surveys that members would like self defence training due to the significant amount of late night travel that is part of the profession. We had a lively session with lots of discussion and questions. I wanted to share just a few of the ladies’ questions and my answers, as these may be of use to you.

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Dene Josham
6 tips for staying safe in a crowd

I’ve recently got back from doing some close protection work where we had to deal with busy, high pressure, crowded situations. It got me thinking about staying safe in crowds and how quickly an event, such as a concert, festival or sports match, can change from a fun celebration to a potentially dangerous and life-threatening scenario. So I thought I’d share some tips with you for staying safe in crowds so that you can go out and enjoy big events with your family, knowing you are prepared.

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Self defence tip - getting in your car

I’m often told that getting into a car at night or in an unfamiliar location is scary and worrying. That walk in the dark, on your own, is something that fills you with fear - and rightly so - it’s an ideal opportunity for a would-be attacker. However, by planning ahead and following some simple advice you can take positive steps to make yourself a hard target and avoid danger.

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