woman, self defence, hand up, stop, black and white



- simple & effective sELF DEFENCE


- VIOLENCE PREVENTION & de-escalation




Self Defence for Women is the complete online guide to personal safety and self defence for women (or anyone who identifies as female) aged 16 and over.

With over 4 hours of pre-recorded video content split into 35 mini self defence lessons specifically designed for women, you will learn life-saving personal safety, self defence and violence prevention skills.

  • Costs just £49 for lifetime access

  • Available worldwide

  • Learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home!

If you’ve tried kickboxing, Krav Maga, boxing, jiu jitsu, Muay Thai, MMA or other types of martial arts and came away feeling even more fearful, don’t worry! What we teach is empowering and suitable for people of all abilities.

We don’t teach any martial arts, kicking or punching - just simple and effective self defence techniques that work for real women in the real world.



Brought to you by Streetwise Defence, trusted provider of self defence training to thousands of businesses, schools, community groups and private individuals.

Our aim is to educate and empower people to keep themselves safe and avoid the trauma of an attack.

Dene and Julie of Streetwise Defence

Dene and Julie of Streetwise Defence



Dene Josham is your instructor for the female self defence classes. He has 20 years’ security experience, including:

  • A-list bodyguard to celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Russell Crowe

  • Time in the Royal Marines

  • Providing private security in countries such as Libya, Iraq and Nigeria.

Dene understands what violence looks like in the real world and shares his knowledge of what self defence techniques really work.




This women’s self defence class is for you if:

  1. You want to learn simple and effective self defence techniques that anyone of any ability can use

  2. You want to know how to de-escalate dangerous or potentially violent situations

  3. You want to avoid threats and keep yourself and your family safe

  4. You want to learn from the comfort of your own home at a time and pace that suits you.


“This is possibly the best thought out and comprehensive self defence course I have come across. Dene and his team are professional, hugely knowledgable, respectful, open and honest whilst at the same time being informative and clear on their content. The course is incredibly well thought out and very easy to access. The content helps you understand the psychology behind why self defence is needed and focusses on many different ways we can keep ourselves safe.
I can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s more than well worth the money!

Student feedback from H.



Get a preview with this short guided tour of the video classes.

Julie shows you around the course so you can see what is available and how easy it is to use.

Just click play on the video below to look inside.



Our online course guides you through Dene’s proven self defence skills and techniques.

You choose the speed you learn at.

You can watch all 4 hours in one go or you can follow our 7 week program, which breaks content into sections that take less than 1 hour per week.

You will receive 7 emails - 1 each week - taking you through the course content at a manageable pace.

View the full curriculum below by clicking on the + icons. Sections with video content have the length of the video in brackets after the title.

  • Start to shift your mindset by discovering what real self defence is and that you have the power to stay safe.

    • Welcome (1:47)

    • What you will learn (0:45)

    • Triggers, trauma, helplines and support (1:33)

    • Disclaimer

    • Know the law and pre-emptive strike

  • Getting inside the head of a predator enables you to take steps to avoid becoming their 'prey'.

    Knowledge of the two types of violence will help you judge whether you can de-escalate a situation or you need to use a physical response.

    Watching clips of real attacks, with commentary from Dene on how to respond, allows you to prepare mentally for different situations and deal with them.

    • What the statistics say (6:34)

    • Case study: what happened to me (5:53)

    • The two types of violence (15:10)

    • Different types of attacks (12:19)

    • Understanding attackers (9:40)

  • Learn how to analyse the environment you are in and when to take action to avoid danger.

    Tuning into your gut instinct is one of your superpowers that will help keep you safe.

    Developing a warrior mindset and picking your 'switch' will enable you to act to defend yourself, should you need it.

    Setting boundaries in all areas of your life is empowering.

    • How we communicate (2:56)

    • Situation and environmental awareness (11:47)

    • Learn to trust your gut instinct (6:16)

    • Understanding yourself: mindset, adrenaline and your switch (18:47)

    • How to set boundaries to keep yourself safe (4:38)

  • Discover whether you are an easy target for a predator and learn the practical steps you can take to become an undesirable target.

    Learn how to spot common warning signs of an attack and what action to take.

    • Becoming a hard target (8:00)

    • Using colour codes to evaluate danger and take action (3:43)

    • How to spot attack warning signs (20:24)

    • Verbal de-escalation (6:10)

    • Case study: mindset of a Lioness (5:31)

  • Learn the physical self defence moves that could save your life and protect your loved ones.

    Discover how to take control of a variety of different physical situations.

    Understand that you can act first if you feel in imminent danger.

    • Using the physical response appropriately and proportionately (1:46)

    • How and why to target soft tissue areas (2:34)

    • Finding the ideal stance (2:40)

    • The SHREDDER (5:20)

    • The FACE WASH (5:54)

    • How to use a palm strike (3:49)

    • Escaping a hair grab (3:44)

    • Physical response in the dark (5:02)

    • Escaping a rear grab and ambush (3:26)

    • What to do on the ground and escaping strangulation (10:38)

    • The pre-emptive strike (6:20)

  • Bonus content! Learn what to do and how to defend yourself in a knife attack.

    Understand acid attack first aid.

    Discover what to do after an attack.

    • Mitigating knife attacks (24:02)

    • Acid attack first aid

    • What to do after an attack (1:47).

  • Take time to reflect on what you have learnt.

    Revisit videos to refresh your knowledge.

    Remember key points from the training.

    • 5 Key points to remember from the course

    • Links to our Facebook group and further support.


“Seriously impressed by how simple the techniques are, the Shredder etc. It is clear that anyone can do it, even me! Its great that you’ve covered all the bases, legal responsibilities, possible physical damage, what to do afterwards etc etc. I am impressed by just how comprehensive this is.”

Student feedback from H.


INVEST IN YOUR well-being - you are worth it

Our view is that self defence is defence of the body and the mind. And that is what you’ll learn on our online course!

We have taught thousands of women’s self defence classes and the word we always hear afterwards is “EMPOWERED”.

The aim of ‘Self Defence for Women’ is to instil in you the firm belief that you are worth protecting and to provide the skills and knowledge to do just that.

Self defence class for women at Musicians' Union, group of women smiling

Women’s self defence training session at The Musicians’ Union



Quick and easy to purchase

  1. Just follow the link to ‘Enrol now’ and you will be taken to a checkout page.

  2. Our online courses are hosted on Teachable (the largest online learning platform in the world).

  3. Enter your contact details and credit or debit card information to make your payment.

  4. You will need to create a password to access the course unless you already have a Teachable account.

  5. After payment has gone through you will have instant access to the video course.

Affordable and with lifetime access

  1. Once you have purchased the course, you can watch the videos as many times as you want.

  2. We recommend watching the videos multiple times so you can absorb the advice and slowly and safely practice the techniques.

  3. The content will be available for the lifetime of the course.

4 hours of video content

  1. Content is broken down into bite-size chunks on different topics so you can watch a bit at a time. Ideal for fitting it in around your lifestyle and responsibilities.

  2. The course starts by understanding attackers and the reality of violence.

  3. It moves on to understanding human behaviour and your body.

  4. After that we look at how to become a ‘hard target’ and avoid danger.

  5. Then finally we demonstrate the physical techniques in depth.

  6. The aim is that, with the knowledge we share, you should never need to use a physical response. But if you do, then you will have a simple but effective technique to rely on.

Below is a screenshot from inside the course so you can see what it looks like. You can choose what to watch from the menu on the left and you will see how long each video is in brackets after the section title.

Screenshot of Self Defence for Women online course

Created with women for women

  1. Many female self defence classes are created by men with martial arts or military backgrounds. This can make you question whether what they are teaching would work for you in real-life.

  2. Ours has been created by a partnership between Dene and Josham (Streetwise Defence instructor) and Julie Waite (a real woman and mum, with no experience of martial arts).

  3. Julie’s input and shaping of the course means that all content is easy to understand, easy to apply and easy to remember.

  4. The physical techniques are suitable for people of all abilities, ages and fitness levels.

  5. You’ll even see Julie demonstrating the physical techniques. When you watch them, remember that she has no experience in martial arts and is trying them for the first time. Just like you will be.

  6. We hope that this input and realism will help you believe and know that you can do it too!

Watch with a friend

  1. We know that times are tight financially and we have tried to keep our course affordable. However, if you want to watch it with a friend and split the cost, we’re happy with that!

  2. The added benefit of watching together with a friend or family member is that you can discuss each section and what comes up for you.

  3. Sadly, most women have experienced an attack, assault or stalking and most incidents go unreported. Talking about what happened to you is an important part of healing and we give lots of links to support, if you choose to access them.

  4. Another benefit of watching with a friend is that you can practice the physical responses - slowly and carefully.

Watch with your family

  1. You can show this course (or parts of it) to children under 16 at your own discretion and guidance.

  2. We recommend that you watch it first and decide what is appropriate for your child’s age and stage of development.

  3. We are developing online self defence classes for teenage girls and boys but these aren’t ready yet.

  4. Want a self defence class in your child’s school? Recommend us to your child’s school.

‘Self Defence for Women’ is aimed at females aged 16+, however, people of any gender can watch it.

We have a separate online self defence course for men and we are developing courses for people in the LGBTQ+ community, which will come later.

Dene teaching self defence at a school

Dene teaching self defence at a school




Dene has over 20 years of experience in the security industry, including bodyguarding celebrities and CEOs and providing security in some of the world’s most dangerous countries. He knows about real-world violence and what actually works.


We have taught self defence to thousands of people across the UK and internationally. We regularly go into schools, universities, businesses and community groups to teach personal safety, violence de-escalation and self defence. See who we’ve taught.

No martial arts

Many women tell us they’ve tried martial arts such as kickboxing, Krav Maga, boxing, jiu jitsu and Muay Thai but came away feeling despondent.

Here’s the thing - to become a skilled martial artist takes years of practice and dedication. So, anyone suggesting that a few hours learning martial arts is effective as self defence for women is misguided.

We know what works for real women in the real world. And that’s why we don’t teach martial arts, punching or kicking. Our physical techniques are suitable for anyone of any ability. They are easy to remember and highly effective.


We understand. We are a trauma-informed company. This means we understand how you may be affected by this sensitive subject. We provide advice and trigger warnings throughout the course content, as well as links to professional support.


“It was well worth the money! I did this with my daughter and I know with what she has seen she is impressed and wants to return to it to learn more.”

Student feedback




Take back your power and enrol now on our complete online course ‘Self Defence for Women’.

The course costs just £49 and you receive instant access to 4 hours of expert video demonstrations and advice.



If you would like further information about a private training session for your family, school or business, just get in touch for an informal chat with Dene.

If you’re looking for self defence tips and advice, check out our blog with articles including: